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Best Barking Dog Alarms

Best Barking Dog Alarms

By Tamás Ő. Tamás Ő. Verified by Sander D. Sander D.Last updated: February 10, 2025 (0)
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Guard dogs are excellent security guards and defenders for your home. However, larger dogs require lots of attention, training, not to mention the pet food and vet bills. Some house owners simply lack the time or money required to properly look after a dog. In other cases, elderly are too fragile and slow to keep up with a lively dog. If you wish to deter criminals with the vision of a fearsome guard dog, but don’t want to deal with any of the downsides, then what you need is a barking dog alarm. These kinds of devices perfectly mimic the noise an angry dog makes when someone enters the house. The moment criminals hear the loud barking they’ll most likely turn back and run in panic.

How to use a barking dog alarm

When speaking about barking dog alarms, we mean the motion of using a pre-recorded growling, howling and snarling a guard dog makes when sensing an intruder. This can be either played by an alarm, or played from a soundtrack in your CD player. There are quite a lot of “hits” out there, featuring a CD full of dog noises. Elderly may even want to put on this CD every now and then, even while they are at home, since it gives them peace of mind. The other option is a special alarm that only plays the bark noises when the radar senses movement. Of course, the device cannot differentiate friends from enemies, but people usually turn it on while away. Better safe than sorry.

Recommended barking dog alarms

Rex Plus Electronic Watchdog

This traditional barking dog alarm can be connected to any electronical outlet, and it reliably guards your doors 24/7. It’s small, light and features a built-in radar that picks up movement in a medium radius. The key feature of the Rex Plus Electronic Watchdog is that the artificial barking becomes louder and more intense as you approach it, which might convince even a veteran burglar. It’s ideal for small and large homes alike, even for apartments. Because the alarm is only triggered in close proximity, it won’t disturb the neighbors either.

Home Safe EWD-1 Electronic Watchdog

A truly high-quality alarm, this electronic watchdog sports a stylish interior, so it won’t ruin the esthetic of the room. It features advanced electronic radar-wave technology, which means it “sees” through wood, glass, cement, brick and anything except metal. In short, even if the criminals sneak by the walls, they’ll be still spotted. The volume level is adjustable so it won’t cause too much of a ruckus, and won’t wake up the neighbors. You can also switch to gentle chime mode if you’re expecting guests and don’t wish to frighten them. The unit even comes with backup batteries, so your virtual dogs won’t be silenced by cutting the energy supply of the house.

Guard Dogs – Random Barking and Growling Dog Sounds

As we mentioned, not everyone seeks an expensive alarm that imitates a dog. Elderly, for example, are fine having a “dog bark” soundtrack. They put it in the CD player, and play it every time they go shopping or visit a friend. The tracks are composed to give the expression that the dogs are always busy. Sometimes they growl, sometimes they snarl or bark. There are soundtracks featuring a full pack of dogs. In any case, if you play them non-stop, criminals are most likely tread along, and don’t even consider testing your home defenses.

Deter and defend

Even though dog bark alarms put your mind at ease, relying only on them is bold, to say the least. You must understand that deterring criminals from your house and defending your house from criminals are two separate actions. Just think about it: a seasoned criminal is experienced enough to spot the difference, and once the jig is up, they’ll feel twice as devoted to raid your house. You must prepare for the worst case scenario and deploy some alarms, preferably some cameras too. Home security companies offer many different packages tailored to your needs, so you’ll definitely find a cost effective solution that still includes top-quality motion sensors, detectors and alarms.

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